My name is Amanatidou Fostiria and I work as a psychologist since 2004.
I studied at the Department of Psychology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and then majored in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy for Children and Adults by the Greek Association for Behavioral Research, Branch of Northern Greece. My certification number is CBT 13-050. During my studies I did internships at the Department of Senile Dementia of General University Hospital Papanikolaou and at the Greek Society of Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders evaluating patients with dementia problems and participating in support groups of their carers. After finishing my studies I took part voluntarily in the group art therapy of people with dementia that was organised by the Greek Society Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders and as a coordinator in a young women’s group that was called Inquiries & Concerns in Y.W.C.A., Thessaloniki. At the Social Service of Y.W.C.A., Thessaloniki I trained women that wanted to take care of older people.
My professional experience began in 2004 through my participation in the European Project “Office of Social Support Services Municipality of Mikra” of Measure 3.1. Ministry of Health & Social Solidarity and the European Social Fund. This program included the personalized approach of people who live on the fringe of society and experience the social exclusion not only from the labour market but also in their access to social services. This personalized approach aimed at these people’s rightfully treatment as equals in their search for a job, as well as their liaison with Mental Health Services and Employment centre’s in a joint effort to support all action for prevention and crack-on of social, economic and labour exclusion. I also organised programmes of social value for the citizens. Since March 2009 I am working as a freelancer providing psychotherapy to children and adults. At the same time I was external fellow of the Centers for Social Care-Welfare & Preschool Education, Minicipality of Thermi providing counselling to the parents and teachers of the kindergartens until June 2012.
During my career I have published articles on mental health issues in the local press and I have participated as a speaker at meetings of the Municipality of Mikra concerning mental health matters. Moreover since the beginning of my studies till to day i have attended seminars on mental health issues of children and adults.
Finally I am a voluntary member of Y.W.C.A., Thessaloniki and I was a member of its Panhellenic Council. I am also a member of the Panhellenic Psychological Association and the Greek Association for Behavioral Research, Branch of Northern Greece , Thessaloniki.